Monday, February 21, 2022

Mission: Save the Teenagers

After hiding out for too long, I decided that authenticity was more important than fear.  I’ve come a long way since my last post. Divorce ripped our family apart and I’m still trying to put back the pieces. I got busy trying to find support from friends, family, and finding a new man.  I did a lot of work on myself. I’ve got a career! I love teaching 7th grade English. I bought a home, a new car, and some four-wheelers.  I plow my own drive, built a treehouse with a zip line and climbing wall, take my kids skiing, traveling, and out to the lake. I’m proud of how far we’ve come, but there is still much to be done! So, I’m back to sharing my fixes! Accepting that I have four great kids, things didn’t work out the way I wanted, a guy isn’t going to come and save me, so I’m going to do it myself. 

Mission SAvE the TEENAGERS has been put into place!!! I don’t need to go into details on the way, right! They’re TEENAGERS! They’re smelly, gross, they make bad choices, they think you know NOTHING, and they don’t want to spend time with me anymore!  Enough said.

1.) Fine, you can have social media. I’m done fighting it and I know I know it causes depression, but not having it is too!! Also, they make ones behind your back eh hem! You know I’m right!  I allowed them to have it and it broke my heart but all of a sudden everything was out in the open! 
        GIVE ME the logins and passwords and put their account on safe mode! 
We even made a TikTok video together. They didn’t let me post it. Apparently, moms are embarrassing!! 

2.) Which brings me to point 2! Sunday is reserved for the family! There may have been a little crying happening when I announced it but then they got excited. It was our first Sunday activity together to learn a dance and make a TikTok video together. Even though there was some resistance, the kids laughed and had fun with me. I think they particularly liked the fact that their mom had to helped! 🤣🤣🤣 We made a list of all the other ideas we want to do together on Sunday. Weekly spa treatments are in order. Bristol is particularly excited about getting 5$ to spend at the mall and having a competition to see who can buy the “weirdest” gift for 5$. I’ll keep you posted!

3.) Nightly check-ins with mom. When they were younger I used to do what I called their 2 min time. I would spend 2 minutes of undivided time with each kid. As life got busy it slowly faded. I’m bringing it back and this time it will also be a time to look at their phones together! BOOM!! 2X4= 8 This busy single mom can do that!

No more trying to make our family what it’s not! We are a house full of girls and we’re going to have fun together!! I spend a lot of time over the weekend thinking about some solutions to some stress in our home when the kids were at their dad's. This is what I came up with. Let’s go!!!

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